
Product Feature:  Magigoo Adhesive Aids

October 04, 2020

Product Feature: Magigoo Adhesive Aids

Getting solid adhesion between your print and the print bed is everything in getting 3D Printing success. We look at the variety of materials that Magigoo works with, why it's important to get adhesion and what problems bad adhesion may lead to. 

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Formlabs Form 3L Canadian Live Launch |

October 01, 2020

Formlabs Form 3L Canadian Live Launch |'s cofounder Ken will be going over the Formlabs Form 3L technical specifications, feature highlights and Sr. Applications Specialist Felix will be going through the practical workings of the printer as well as best practices and suitable applications.

Date: September 30th, 2020 at 11 a.m. EST
Hosted by: Ken & Felix |

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What's new at | Video Showcase

October 01, 2020

What's new at | Video Showcase video showcase featuring the latest and greatest video product features. Updates from Canada's greatest resource for Desktop 3D Printing, Laser Cutter, Vacuum forming and CNC prototyping.

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Product Feature:  BASF Ultrafuse rPET Filament

September 10, 2020

Product Feature: BASF Ultrafuse rPET Filament

Can recycled PET plastic (such as in water bottles) become your everyday sustainable filament choice?

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Atomic Pull | Instructional

July 16, 2020

Atomic Pull | Instructional

An instructional support series on how to accomplish an atomic (cold) pull on an Ultimaker 2+. Nozzle clogged? Follow this step by step video guide.

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Clogged Ultimaker BB Core Cleaning |

July 16, 2020

Clogged Ultimaker BB Core Cleaning |

An instructional video on how to clear an Ultimaker BB Core clog, in worst case scenarios where a needle is required to clear the clog before running a cold pull.

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3D Printed Covidstop Faceshield for Canadian Makers

July 16, 2020

3D Printed Covidstop Faceshield for Canadian Makers

Instructional Assembly video on how to make a 3D Printed Covidstop Faceshield.

Canadian Makers have donated these 3D printed face shields to those in need.

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