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eSun 3D Printing PETG - 1kg

Product SKU: PETG-P285SB1

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eSun Has discontinued the use of plastic spools, newer batches of eSun Filament will have cardboard spools instead of plastic.

Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, our regular stock supply has been disrupted and possibly out of stock for a longer than expected period. We are still receiving regular shipments from our suppliers in the Netherlands for BASF | Ultrafuse filament.
Economy PETG Filament

PETG is commonly known as the water bottle plastic. It's strong and more flexible than ABS, but with reduced shrinkage and warping.  Perfect for printing directly on heated glass beds and does not have fumes that smell like ABS does. It is relatively new on the 3D printing scene but is quickly gaining popularity due to its friendly print requirements and it's mechanical properties.  Most PETG prints will exhibit some kind of a glossy or transparent finish once printed.  

Printing Guide
eSun Material Datasheet | eSun PETG Material Safety Data Sheet
  • Nozzle temperature 230-250C
  • Bed 80C
  • Clean glass, no additives
  • 10% to 15% speed
  • 5-10 degrees less steep overhang angles required Product Review Notes
PETG is a great alternative to ABS. For those that require more toughness and heat resistance from their prints. It is 'best of both worlds' when it comes to PLA and ABS. It has the ease of use of PLA, where it doesn't warp much and requires only a heated bed with no additional adhesives, and has a little bit more give like ABS so it's not as brittle and shatterable. It also doesn't give off horrible smells like ABS does making it a clear winner for use in 3D printing mechanical parts.
Visually, PETG is naturally somewhat translucent and can be more clear than natural PLA. This hides the print lines well, but also results in a little bit of a muted color look. The generic versions of PETG only comes in a few variety of colours (and mostly neutral ones) so they are best suited for mechanical and prototype uses.
In terms of print quality, PETG tends to be a little bit stickier and goopier as it prints so it is a little bit more difficult than PLA, speeds should be about 10-15% slower and corners will not be as sharp as PLA. Overhangs and retraction are also ever so slightly more difficult compared to PLA, but overall not many settings need to be changed. The overhang angle performance is also a little bit worse than PLA.
After our tests, we recommend PETG for anyone looking for mechanical properties similar to ABS. It is great for prototypes, enclosures, clips and more organic objects. It is not as suitable for things that have a lot of holes or require sharp edge detail definition.

Since Ultimaker uses an open filament system, it is not mandatory to always use OEM filament.  As such, Shop3D wants to carry a nice selection of filaments at different price ranges to suit all users.  Of course, the durability of your printer is paramount so this is why it has taken us so long to test a whole array of suppliers to find one that will produce a quality filament for an economical price.

eSun PETG comes in 1kg spools so you have more material per spool vs. OEM 750gr spools, but due to it's size, a larger spool holder is recommended for your Ultimaker 2+.  It will fit the 2nd position on the Ultimaker 3 native spool holder.  

Download and print this 1kg Spool holder for your Ultimaker 2+:  Spool Holder (.stl)

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