This is a sale for a Used Demo Printer. Great for people who have experience with the same brand of printers looking for more capacity and a great deal. Not for new users who have little experience in 3D Printing who are expecting the new unboxing experience. If you are not comfortable with a Used printer, please purchase the huge assortment of new printers we have in stock.
View Raise3D E2 product information here
Serial Number: 10202224517
- Like New
- Some minor scratches & scuffs on top window
- Build plate has some minor scratches on it
- Build Plate with Build Surface
- Filament Box Block x4
- Filament Roller x4
- Quick Connector x2
- Plastic Rivet x4
- Bowden tubes
- Original packaging is included
- New Nozzle and Hotend (Brass) 0.4 (USED)
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