Help Decorate our Tree - Submission
We've spiced up the office with a Christmas tree, but we don't have any decorations for it. Luckily, we've got 3D printers ready to print off some ornament designs. Help us decorate our tree by submitting your design! We'll be printing our favorite submissions and one (1) winner will be chosen to receive a 3DSimo prize pack!
The Contest Is Now Closed
How it Works
- Starting December 1st: Create your own 3D model of a Christmas ornament and submit the .STL file using the form on this page
-'s print team will review the file to see if it can be printed. We'll contact you by e-mail if there are any major issues with the file.
- We'll be spotlighting designs daily as we print them off and add them to the tree, alongside non-contest designs from our staff.
- Contest Ends December 18th. One winning design will be chosen from the submissions and the winner will be notified by e-mail. The winner will receive a 3D Simo Mini 2 prize pack featuring a 3DSimo Mini 2, 3DSimo Book and 3DSimo Drawing Pad. An approximate value of $225 CAD!

You can also send your file via email to
While we will try to feature all submitted designs, it may not be possible due to file quality, content or number of submissions.
This contest is only open to residents of Canada.
If you are not a Canadian but would like to submit a design to be added to our tree, you can submit it via email to You will not be entered into the 3DSimo Mini 2 contest, but we may feature your design.
While we will try to feature all submitted designs, it may not be possible due to file quality, content or number of submissions.
This contest is only open to residents of Canada.
If you are not a Canadian but would like to submit a design to be added to our tree, you can submit it via email to You will not be entered into the 3DSimo Mini 2 contest, but we may feature your design.