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Formlabs Form 3 & Form 3L New Features & FAQ

April 02, 2019

Whenever Formlabs launches a new product, the industry watches with intense focus as they have a history of shaking up the entire landscape of additive manufacturing. With the launch of the newest printer, the Form 3 is poised to be doing it once again.

As one of Formlab’s largest partners in North America, Shop3D will present our initial thoughts on the new machine and why we think it’ll take a commanding lead as one of the most innovative and versatile 3D printers of 2019 and beyond.

Pre-order to reserve your initial launch Form 3 printer, as supplies are limited.

Exciting New Features

It’s hard to choose just one killer feature of the Form 3... So here are 3 of our favorites! 

Low Peel Force system

The peeling process (detaching the solidified layer onto the object) is at the core process of every SLA printer. Most DLP/SLA printers have a simple up-down peel (Form1) which can fail if you have objects with a large footprint, or simply orientated it incorrectly. This has been drastically improved by the Form 2 sideways peel which is much more reliable, converting peel forces to sheer force.

The Form 3 now uses an even more reliable system utilizing low peel forces in combination with a specialized film in its resin tanks.  Lower peel forces mean there’s less strain on your part as you print allowing you to use smaller supports and touch points resulting in an even better surface finish. The supports are easier to remove, allows for larger build volumes and is considerably more reliable on difficult prints.

Parallel Laser Alignment To The Optical Window

In traditional SLA systems (Form 2 included) the laser path is often controlled by galvanometers, bouncing off a mirror and hitting the optical surface. While this is an efficient and compact method of moving the laser around, the laser spot can skew at the extremities. If a larger build volume is required on an SLA system, a different method must be used.

With the new optical module utilizing a parabolic mirror in the Form 3, the laser is perfectly perpendicular to the optical surface at all times ensuring a cleaner more consistent spot across the entirety of the optical surface without the skewing effect at the edges. The spot size remains a consistent shape and a clear point from the center to the edges. Which means more reliability, part to part consistency and higher surface quality.

This improvement also means that Formlabs is able to produce the Form 3L with 5x the build volume of the Form 3. Learn more about it here.

Removable laser module  

This newly designed Light Processing Unit opens new doors for quick infield repairs/replacements. While’s replacement program kept downtime to a minimum for the Form 2, there were still some cases where the only solution was to swap a unit out due to the galvanometers or laser power. With the Form 3’s removable optical module, it can easily be user remedied with a drop in replacement. Reducing downtime, shipping costs, and even ensures future upgradability.

For users who run the machine 24/7, they can stock a backup optical module in-case of any unforeseen mishaps and be back up and running within minutes of an optical core failure. That kind of peace of mind is essential when your business is riding on the production capabilities of your printer.

If you’re looking for an SLA printer we can say with confidence that there is no better choice right now. Period.


Form 3

  • 1x Light Processing Unit:
    85 micron laser spot size
    250 mW laser power
  • Build volume:
    14.5 × 14.5 × 18.5 cm
    5.7 × 5.7 × 7.3 in
  • Layer thickness:
    25 - 300 microns
  • Footprint:
    40 x 53 x 78 cm 15.5 x 21 x 30.5 in

Form 3L

  • Prints 5x larger
    compared to Form 3
  • 2x Light Processing Unit:
    85 micron laser spot size
    250 mW laser power
  • Build volume:
    20 x 33.5 x 30 cm
    7.9 x 13.2 x 11.8 in
  • Layer thickness:
    25 - 300 microns
  • Footprint/space required:
    77.5 x 52 x 76 cm
    30.5 x 20.5 x 29.9 in


The price of the Form 3 starting unit is on par with the previous Form 2 at only $4699 CAD. dozens of times more affordable than other comparative industrial models. Pre-order one today to reserve your unit so you can be the first to get it in Canada.


The Benefits of Shop3D

Purchasing from will have many benefits and zero drawbacks.  

  • It ships within Canada (GTA or Vancouver warehouse) with free shipping so you don’t have to worry about shipping or brokerage charges.
  • Access to Shop3D’s direct phone/chat/email tech team and applications engineers in addition to standard Formlabs Support which does not have certified technicians available by phone without a pro service plan.   
  • Pricing in CAD$ with tons of consumables and parts in stock.
  • is Canada’s largest Formlabs sales partner and we expect to receive the largest inventory of Form 3’s for Canada.


For Form 2 owners

Is the Form Wash and Cure compatible?

  • Yes, the wash and cure are fully compatible with the Form 3. Form 2 and 3 share the same build platform so they fit snuggly into the form wash.

Are resin cartridges compatible with the Form 3?

  • Yes, the cartridge system for the Form2, Form3 and Form3L cartridges are the same and interchangeable.

Are LT/Standard Form2 tanks compatible?

  • No, Form 3 tanks are of a different design due to the new Peel mechanism.

Can I trade in my Form 2?

  • No, there is currently no trade-in program, however, there is a $650 CAD upgrade program if you currently own a Form 2. Fill out our form and place a pre-purchaes if you wish to take advantage of this offer before it expires. 

Form 3L

How large is the Form 3L build volume?

  • Exact measurements not known yet, but approximately 4x larger than the Form 3

Shipping and Ordering

Are there any Deals?

Does it ship from Canada?

  • Yes, all orders from Shop3d will ship directly from our warehouse in Vancouver or the GTA depending on where you order and where the stock is available.

Do I have to pay customs?

  • No, because our stock is all in Canada, you will not be responsible for any extra hidden fees or suffer any extra cross border delays if the product is in stock.

When Will I receive my Form 3?

  • New product launches are always hard to predict the exact time of shipment. As the leading Formlabs reseller in Canada, we will recieve stock at the same time as Formlabs Direct. So you will enjoy lower shipping costs, and cross border hassle.

    There will be a limited amount of units at launch so place your pre-order to secure your place in line, the units will be prioritized by the pre-order date.

How do I ensure my place in line?

  • Units will be shipped out based on when your pre-order was made. There will be limited stock at launch so if you want to get yours first, pre-order to ensure your place.

    We suggest ordering the unit separate from other consumables and accessories to avoid any backorder delays from other products in the order.

Will optical modules be available for purchase as a spare part?

  • Yes, perhaps not exactly at launch, but additional optical modules will be a SKU as well as available as warranty support parts.

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